Eclipse is our spunky and sweet puppy that we have raised from birth out of Super Nova and Orion. We are absolutely in love with her! She is a dream puppy, intelligent, loyal, and so loving. She is obsessed with the kids and loves going on adventures with us! We would let her off a leash anywhere, easily, she is so well behaved. If I'm being honest, we never meant to keep Eclipse, but we couldn't help it. We fell head over heels in love with her and her personality and couldn't imagine not keeping her.
Eclipse will be pairing with a male from Silversword, Arondight, and we are excited to meet our next generation of puppies!
Eclipse is in heat! Finally! We witnessed a successful breeding between her and Arondight on 01/24/23 and can't wait to confirm if it took or not! Her estimated due date will be March 28th. We should be able to confirm her pregnancy by early/mid March.
Eclipse's beautiful babies joined us on March 25th, 2023. She has 6 plump babies, 4 girls and 2 boys! We are over the moon and so in love with them. Eclipse has been a wonderful first time mom and is taking after her own mama, Super Nova, in being attentive and calm and loving. We cannot wait to watch our first second generation puppies grow and bloom!
Important Dates
Born: 03/25/23
6 Weeks (Choosing Day): 05/13/23
8 Weeks (Go Home): 05/20/23
6 Weeks (Choosing Day): 05/13/23
8 Weeks (Go Home): 05/20/23
Important note for Eclipse's Choosing Day!
Our family had plan made at Christmas with Joe's dad for the weekend of 05/06/23 so Eclipse's In Person Choosing Day will be at 7 weeks - 05/13/23. Anyone who'd like to FaceTime may do so at 5 weeks!
Reservation List
Female Reservation List
1. Jackie C. (FaceTime 10am)
2. Jennifer S. (In Person 12pm) 3. Jean W. (In Person 1pm) 4. 1. Diamond: adopted by Jackie C.
2. Emerald: adopted by Jennifer S. 3. Ruby: adopted by 4. Sapphire: adopted by Jean W. |
Male Reservation List
1. Leah H. (In Person 1:30)
2. Emily L. 1. Onyx: adopted by Emily L.
2. Topaz: adopted by Leah H. |
Eclipse and Arondight's litter price: $2000 with pickup. Additional shipping cost depends on location.
Eclipse is out of our Top Dog, Super Nova, and our incredible male, Orion. Deposits for her puppies is $600. Please visit our "Purchasing" page to place a deposit. If you have more questions regarding Eclipse, feel free to reach out!
Puppy Blog!
We pride ourselves in capturing every beautiful moment with our babies and sharing it with you! Our investment into their care and development is one of the most important parts of who we are. As our puppies grow into their individual personalities, we hope you will enjoy watching the photos and descriptions as we update them each week!
Week Seven
Here is our last set of photos! Choosing Day is this week and the following week is pickup! After Choosing Day (on Monday), I will be sending out emails for figuring out everything for pickup/delivery! We will be so sad to see our sweet babies go, but are excited for their next adventures!
Happy Mother's Day to all!
Happy Mother's Day to all!
Adopted by Jackie C.
She's only getting fluffier! Just look at that chest!! She's just so gorgeous. She's sweet, fun, beautiful, and has the best personality!
Adopted by Jennifer S.
Emerald continues to be the quietest puppy. She is sweet, calm, cuddly, and just wants to be with us. She does enjoy playing, but is so very gentle even then!
Adopted by Emily L.
This boy is just so fluffy! He is still outrageously perfect, loves cuddles, playing, just hanging out, playing with toys. He loves the kids and is such a sweetheart!
This tiny little mischief maker is definitely the talk of the litter. She is a tiny spitfire, lovely, rambunctious, playful, loves toys and all people, and running around! She still enjoys a great cuddle and is just too cute for words! She is still the tiniest girl, but barely!
This spunky little lady just gets more fun as she grows! And can you believe I captured that cute little ear shake! She's a doll, super sweet, and loves playing! She's fun and sweet.
Adopted by Leah H.
Can we even talk about how handsome this boy is! His face.... I love him so much! He is sweet, attentive, boisterous and fun!
Temperament Testing
Here are Eclipse's sweet babies temperament tests! They did so wonderfully.
As I always try to mention, I do these temperament tests a bit tongue in cheek. This was designed specifically for working breeds (particularly German Shepherds) who have a wide range of temperaments, whereas Goldens really do not. The Golden's are known for their outstanding personalities and how they are loyal, sweet, and loving. We've never had a pup fail a temperament test and I do not think we ever will. While you can definitely see slight differences in the way the pups respond to the different actions, none of them vary greatly in the way they behave as a well developed puppy and it really is impossible to pick a bad puppy.
Linked below is the complete temperament test for you to be able to view what the numbers below mean.
As I always try to mention, I do these temperament tests a bit tongue in cheek. This was designed specifically for working breeds (particularly German Shepherds) who have a wide range of temperaments, whereas Goldens really do not. The Golden's are known for their outstanding personalities and how they are loyal, sweet, and loving. We've never had a pup fail a temperament test and I do not think we ever will. While you can definitely see slight differences in the way the pups respond to the different actions, none of them vary greatly in the way they behave as a well developed puppy and it really is impossible to pick a bad puppy.
Linked below is the complete temperament test for you to be able to view what the numbers below mean.
Diamond: 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 4
Emerald: 3 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
Onyx: 2 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 4
Ruby: 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 3
Sapphire: 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
Topaz: 3 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3
Week Five
Look how big these babies are getting! And some of them are SO FLUFFY! We just love these babies and the kiddos are playing with them non stop! They are really active now and turning into full blown little dogs. Eclipse is starting to wean already - she wasn't enjoying her babies as much this week and we felt it was the best decision for everyone. She gets really excited when we let her back into the whelping pen now! But is definitely over it within ten minutes lol
Just a reminder we will be gone this next weekend (week six) so there will be no photos until Wednesday (if I'm not jet-lagged) or Thursday (10th or 11th). We will do Choosing Day the following weekend (Saturday the 13th), so look for a message from me later this week to go over those details (scheduling when/where!).
Just a reminder we will be gone this next weekend (week six) so there will be no photos until Wednesday (if I'm not jet-lagged) or Thursday (10th or 11th). We will do Choosing Day the following weekend (Saturday the 13th), so look for a message from me later this week to go over those details (scheduling when/where!).
Ok can we talk about this sweet girl's coat?! She is so fluffy! She is the biggest girl and is such a joy! She's lively and playful and sweet.
Emerald has finally grown some personality! She is very sweet still, loves pets and cuddles and playing with toys! She will follow you around anywhere!
Onyx is just SO CUTE! I can't get over how adorable his face is. He is still playful and cuddly, the perfect blend puppy! He also LOVES his food!
This darling baby is a feisty little gal! She was all go-go-go during photos, so we rolled with it. She already comes on command and is eager to be with you! She is Kalliope's favorite too and gets lugged around all day!
This spunky little lady discovered water this week - and of course took a dive in the water dish right before pics. She is still the most active baby, has a wonderful blocky head, and her eyes are so sweet! She is well rounded, loves to run around, and also to cuddle.
This baby boy is the biggest of the two boys, but not by much. His face is so beautiful and his personality goes right along with it! He loves toys, hanging out with the kids, and playing with his siblings a lot!
Week Four
I can't believe we are already halfway through our journey with these sweet babies! They are getting so cute! This is one of my favorite stages, as they begin to really figure out walking and eating and playing. Personalities are just starting to peek out and I love watching them learn how to be tiny dogs! Enjoy all these sweet photos and descriptions of each puppy! They are now shared in alphabetical order, so make sure to read the descriptions to see who the 4 girls and 2 boys are!
This sweet girl is strong and smart and loves attention! She has fully found her land legs and runs around full speed! She has a gorgeous little face and I think will have a wonderful blocky head as she grows!
Right now, this little lady is still very demure. I expect her personality will begin to blossom this week! She LOVES snuggles though and will curl up in your arms all day long! She also loves food!
This cute little boy is absolutely obsessed with their food! He's the first one to the dish every time! He's a perfect blend of sweetness and curious right now. He loves to play with the kids but also to snuggle.
This little girl is also pretty quiet, but is a little more playful than Emerald. She already loves stuffed animals and has the most soulful eyes.
Now this little lady is the wild child of the group. She was the first baby to find her voice and she is so curious! She loves exploring and playing and toys! She has such a cute expression and there isn't a shy bone in her body!
This beautiful boy looks so much like his daddy already! He has the blockiest head of the entire batch of babies. He's sweet but lively and playful too! He's very attentive and already responds to being called!
Week Three
I can't believe how fast these babies are growing up! This is our last batch of group pictures, next week they will get their names and individual photos! Pups are starting to munch on food and it's SO CUTE watching them discover it for the first time. Eclipse is doing so well as a first time mama and she is so sweet and protective of her babies!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
Week Two
Look at these little angels! Eyes have opened and this week they really are getting around! They can climb over Eclipse now and are causing all kinds of mischief. Eclipse is starting to take longer breaks now, much to the puppies irritation. They always start a howl when she comes back and it's the cutest, silliest thing!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
Week One
Look at these chunky babies! Eclipse has been such a wonderful mama, just like *her* mama, and absolutely loves her babies! They are already starting to bark and love motoring around their whelping pen. Their eyes will open up this week and they'll get their first round of de-wormer! We are in love with these cuties! Enjoy these sweet photos of them!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
Day Born
We are so excited to announce Eclipse has delivered our very first second generation puppies! She had a super easy, smooth delivery Saturday morning and had 6 beautiful, healthy puppies. There are 4 little girls and 2 little boys. We are so very excited for these cuties and can't wait to watch them grow up!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
More About Eclipse
For more photos of Eclipse, visit her Facebook page.