Moon is a real beauty! Right now she is the biggest of our girls (perfect if you are wanting a sporting or adventure pal!) and, oh my, her coat of fur!! It's stunning! So thick ~ and WAVY! She has a perfect luxurious beach curl. If you want a snuggle baby, look no further! Moon is also extremely active and keeping up with her is so much fun! She loves fetch, toys, and wrestling with her Milky Way buddies. Orion is her best friend and they get into all kinds of mischief. ;)
Moon has delivered her babies! She is so content and happy! There are 11 beautiful pups, 8 females and 3 males. 8 females and 2 males reserved. We lost one male at 2 weeks.
Moon has delivered her babies! She is so content and happy! There are 11 beautiful pups, 8 females and 3 males. 8 females and 2 males reserved. We lost one male at 2 weeks.
Important Dates
Born: 09/20/22
6 Weeks (Choosing Day): 11/05/22
8 Weeks (Go Home): 11/15/22
6 Weeks (Choosing Day): 11/05/22
8 Weeks (Go Home): 11/15/22
Reservation List
Female Reservation List
1. Tuesday B. (In Person 9:30am)
2. Kendall K. (FaceTime 10:30am) 3. Donald M. (In Person 11:30am) 4. Cheryl P. (In Person 12:30pm) 5. David P. (In Person 11/12/22 at 10:30am) 6. Tuesday B. 7. Reserved 8. Reserved 1. Almond Bark Cold Brew: adopted by Tuesday B.
2. Apple Cider: not available for adoption 3. Cran-Raspberry Punch: adopted by Kendall K. 4. Gingerbread Macchiato: adopted by Donald M. 5. North Pole Hot Cocoa: adopted by Cait G. 6. Peppermint Mocha: adopted by David P. 7. Pumpkin Spice Latte: adopted by Tuesday B. 8. Sugar Cookie Martini: adopted by Cheryl P. Pickup Schedule
1. Almond Bark Cold Brew: 10am on Tuesday, 11/15
2. Cran-Raspberry Punch: 1:30pm on Tuesday, 11/15 3. Gingerbread Macchiato: 9:30am on Tuesday 11/15 4. Peppermint Mocha: 8:30am on Tuesday, 11/15 5. Pumpkin Spice Latte: 10am on Tuesday, 11/15 6. Sugar Cookie Martini: 9:30 on Saturday, 11/19 |
Males Reservation List
1. Brittany K. (In Person 10/29 at 12pm)
2. Christine W. (FaceTime 11/01/22) 1. Eggnog: adopted by Brittany K.
2. Wassail: adopted by Christine W. Pickup Schedule
1. Eggnog: 12:30pm on Tuesday, 11/15
2. Wassail: delivery to STL on Friday, 11/25 |
Moon and Orion's puppies are $2000 with pickup. Additional shipping cost depends on location.
Deposits for Moon's litter are $600. All deposits are non-refundable. Please visit our "Purchasing" page to place a deposit. If you have more questions regarding Moon or Orion, feel free to reach out!
Puppy Blog!
We pride ourselves in capturing every beautiful moment with our babies and sharing it with you! Our investment into their care and development is one of the most important parts of who we are. As our puppies grow into their individual personalities, we hope you will enjoy watching the photos and descriptions as we update them each week!
Week 7
How is our last week with these babies here already? The last 7 weeks have flown by! I'm so excited that all these lovely babies will have such wonderful homes. We are so looking forward to meeting most of you next Tuesday! Enjoy these last photos of the pups until you get to bring them home!
Almond Bark Cold Brew
Female - Adopted by Tuesday B.
Apple Cider
Female - Adopted by Cait G.
Cran-Raspberry Punch
Female - Adopted by Kendall K.
Male - Adopted by Brittany K.
Gingerbread Macchiato
Female - Adopted by Donald M.
North Pole Hot Cocoa
Female - Adopted by Cait G.
Peppermint Mocha
Female - Adopted by David P.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Female - Adopted by Tuesday B.
Sugar Cookie Martini
Female - Adopted by Cheryl P.
Male - Adopted by Christine W.
Temperament Testing
Here are Moon's pups temperament tests! As I've mentioned to a few families, I do these temperament tests a bit tongue in cheek. This was designed specifically for working breeds (particularly German Shepherds) who have a wide range of temperaments, whereas Goldens really do not. The Golden's are known for their outstanding personalities and how they are loyal, sweet, and loving. We've never had a pup fail a temperament test and I do not think we ever will. While you can definitely see slight differences in the way the pups respond to the different actions, none of them vary greatly in the way they behave as a well developed puppy and it really is impossible to pick a bad puppy.
Linked below is the complete temperament test for you to be able to view what the numbers below mean.
Linked below is the complete temperament test for you to be able to view what the numbers below mean.
Almond Bark Cold Brew: 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3
Apple Cider: 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3
Cran-Raspberry Punch: 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2
Eggnog: 3 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2
Gingerbread Macchiato: 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 5
North Pole Hot Cocoa: 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
Peppermint Mocha: 3 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3
Pumpkin Spice Latte: 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2
Sugar Cookie Martini: 3 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5
Wassail: 3 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
Week 6
We are so excited for Choosing Day this weekend! These babies are growing so well and I love them to pieces. I will be doing Temperament Testing on Wednesday and you can see the results here! As I've mentioned to a few families, I always do it a bit tongue in cheek (Goldens are really not able to fail this test), but it's still super cool to see all their scores! This week we decided to keep one of Moon's pups (North Pole) and we are in love with her!
Almond Bark Cold Brew
Look how cute this baby is! She is super fun and has the best ears ever!
Apple Cider
Female - not available
Still Stella's favorite baby, this pup is a literal doll. We've never had a puppy so attached to us at this stage, already. She continues to be teeny, tiny, and we await her vet visit to even entertain letting her go (and if that happens, it will be to someone very special).
Cran-Raspberry Punch
I wanted to pick this baby to keep forever. She is so perfect! Fun, outgoing, sweet! I'm in love.
Male - adopted by Brittany K.
Eggnog has officially gotten Moon's double coat! He is playful and sweet and will be so fun as he grows!
Gingerbread Macchiato
This little thing is still such an even baby! She is a lot of fun and a super duper snuggler!
North Pole Hot Cocoa
Female - not available
After several weeks of deciding whether or not to keep a Starr pup, we have fallen head over heels for this baby and she will be joining our family!! She is everything we are looking for, in looks and personality.
Peppermint Mocha
I ADORE this baby's ears! She is super playful, loves toys, and us!
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Pumpkin continues to grow in cuteness and fun!! We love her! She's so cute and fluffy, too!
Sugar Cookie Martini
This baby is so sweet! She's become one of the calmest Moon pups and is just lovely!
Male - Available
This baby doll is finally picking which parent he will look like - Moon!! He's just a little smaller than Eggnog and so playful!
Week 5
Choosing Day is all set up for the first weekend of November! We are so excited to meet everyone! We had a ton of rain on Tuesday, so I took these photos yesterday. We ended up vaccinating and microchipping everyone last night (which took about 2 hours) so I didn't get the photos edited (also takes about 2 hours lol). The pups are obsessed with food and are literally always covered in it. We are beginning to wean Moon and she is not happy about it. This is always the hardest part. These pups are small for Moon babies right now, probably because they are a large litter, but they are gorgeous and we love them! I hope you enjoy these cuties!
Almond Bark Cold Brew
Can you handle these eyes? Almond continues to be one of the calmer pups and is such a sweetheart!
Apple Cider
This sweet baby is still not available for adoption and will not be joining us for Choosing Day. We may end up keeping her until at least 12 weeks before determining if she will be joining another family. She is still half the size of her siblings and we just want to make sure she is perfectly healthy.
Cran-Raspberry Punch
I love this little baby! She's one of my favorites ! She's so fun and sweet and cute and all the things!!
Look how fluffy Eggnog is now!! He's so cute and continues to look more and more like Orion! He is sweet and playful, too!
Gingerbread Macchiato
Um, guys. This baby gets all the heart eyes. She is sooooo sweet! I think she's going to continue to have a wonderful even temperament and be playful, but on the calmer side!
North Pole Hot Cocoa
This baby has become more and more outgoing! She is still sweet, but she just loves to play forever and ever!
Peppermint Mocha
I see so much Moon in this sweet baby! Her personality, her looks, the way she behaves! She is just so fun!!
Pumpkin Spice Latte
She still has those eyes! I can't believe how fluffy some of these babies have gotten! Pumpkin continues to grow into her personality and is another classic Moon pup, so fun and adventurous!
Sugar Cookie Martini
This baby is starting to explore the world a bit more cautiously, not in such a pell-mell fashion, but still loves having fun and playing! She continues to look more like Moon and is a darling!!
This sweet boy keeps going back and forth between looking like Moon and looking like Orion, so now I just don't know! Either way, he is soooo dang cute and has the fluffiest coat! He loves to hang and and cuddle and also play hard!
Week 4
Just take a look at how cute these babies have become! They are LOVING their food and are stained even more than Super Nova's pups!! We will begin their second stimulation program this week and I already know they are going to do great! As expected, Moon's pups are all already more adventurous and outgoing than the other two litters and love to play!
Almond Bark Cold Brew
This sweetie has such a beautiful, chunky face! She has great confirmation and is one of the calmer pups!
Apple Cider
This little lady is not open for adoptions yet. She is our one runt (half the size of her litter) and until or unless we confirm she is in perfect health we will not release her to a new home. She also happens to be Stella's very favorite pup out of all 24 babies, so it's going to be so hard to find her a new home.
Cran-Raspberry Punch
This little lady has so much character! She wants to love, love, love and do and see all the things!
This dude is actually smaller than a couple of his sisters right now, but he has a big heart! He is sweet and gentle but also loves life! I can see his dad's broad face and eyes.
Gingerbread Macchiato
This little girlie is going to look like her mama! She is sweet, one of the calmer crew, and loves attention!
North Pole Hot Cocoa
This baby doll is very curious! She loves to run around and play and also cuddle up to snuggle too!
Peppermint Mocha
If pictures could say a thousand words, that third one certainly does. I was so excited to capture a tiny glimpse into what life around here looks like! These puppies and babies are spoiled! This little lady is certainly a people puppy and all she wants is to love and be loved! She runs around everywhere and loves playing with toys!
Pumkin Spice Latte
Can you even believe these eyes? She is so adorable and sweet and beautiful! I love this darling baby. She's big into toys and cuddles as well as exploring and having fun!
Sugar Cookie Martini
Currently one of the biggest puppies, I see so much of Moon in this sweet baby girl! She is a character and a half and is full of life and spirit! I think she's going to look a lot like Moon too!
This is the bigger of the two boys, but I think he's going to look like Moon (as of right now)! He is a sweetheart, but also super fun! He loves to rough and tumble and play with toys and also to curl up in a ball on your lap.
Week 3
I apologize these are up late, once again. We have hopefully moved past everything that has been delaying photos and should be able to keep up with them a bit better moving forward.
Now on to these sweet puppies! Moon's babies are full of personality! They are sweet, fluffy pups and are beginning to love food, playing, and getting attention. Next week they will get names and individual photos and that will be so fun! There is one sweet, tiny baby that is my daughter Stella's absolute favorite baby and we don't know how we are possibly going to part with her (her name will be Apple Cider). Just wait till you see how cute she is!
Now on to these sweet puppies! Moon's babies are full of personality! They are sweet, fluffy pups and are beginning to love food, playing, and getting attention. Next week they will get names and individual photos and that will be so fun! There is one sweet, tiny baby that is my daughter Stella's absolute favorite baby and we don't know how we are possibly going to part with her (her name will be Apple Cider). Just wait till you see how cute she is!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
Week 2
Hello all. I am sharing this on all three litter pages. My family is going through a rough season so I have not been on top of puppy updates and I sincerely apologize. Sadly, today (Thursday) we lost one of Moon's male puppies, which has been devastating to us. Thankfully, the rest of the puppies are doing very well and growing strong and big. Please enjoy the photos, which include all three boys.
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
Week One
Hey everyone! I am so sorry these photos are up late!I I did take them Wednesday, but our wifi is completely out and we have no idea when it will be back. But that aside, look how sweet these babies are! They are a noisy crowd and loooove their mama. When she takes potty breads, we definitely hear about it. Moon is doing super well and taking such good care of them! They have been doing Early Neurological Stimulation and, as usual, are responding very well. Enjoy these sweet photos and I am sorry again for the lateness!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
Day One
We are so excited about these sweet Moon babies! She is so in love and already cherishing them. They are so tiny and cute and we can't wait to watch them grow!
All Puppies
Male Puppies
Female Puppies
More About Moon
Moon took a break her heat in December 2020.
Moon took an unintentional break her June 2021 heat.
For more pictures of Moon, visit her Facebook page!